Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Saturdays with Eulterio

Saturday mornings now are a time of the week I really look forward to.
A few weeks ago the sisters found a man on the side of the road in the campos who was very interested in studying and coming to the meetings. His name is Eulterio. He lives an hour and a half away by foot in the campos.
He already came to the meeting once and now we take the trip to his house on Saturday to study with him.

Here are some photos from the last trip we took to study with Eulterio!

The road to get to Eulterio's house. It's a hike that's for sure.. walking over dried up rivers and mountain footpaths.
We visit the houses we pass by on the way. This cattle farmer was very kind. He couldn't hear very well, he was almost deaf, unless you yelled directly into his ear.

Next, Natali and I met David. He's Eulterio's neighbor. And his eyes lit up when he saw all the photos in the "Escuche a Dios" brochure. He loved it and said he wants to read the whole thing. We will stop by his house again next time we study with Eulterio.

Our little tour guide. After our visit with him, David was more than willing to lead the way to help us get to Eulterio's house.
Finally reaching the house in the campos. After about an hour and a half, we finally made it.
There he is, right where we were expecting him. He doesn't have a cell phone. So there's no way to confirm beforehand, to study or not. We just took the trip out based on his word. He said we should come on Saturday to study and that's what we did.
They were so kind. Giving us a rice soup with potatoes. You are always cautious... to eat from a house in the campo. #yolo.. we did it anyway. Hope I won't regret it.

Here we are. After a nice study using the Bible Teach book at Eulterio's home.
Every Saturday morning is a highlight of the week. Walking into the middle of nowhere to study with this man is fun and an awesome experience.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Songs from Serrano: 180 Degrees

First original tune I've made here in Bolivia. It's called "180 Degrees"

You can listen here:


Kingdom News in Nuevo Mundo

Nuevo Mundo Revisited!

This post is about our second trip to Nuevo Mundo, the smallest of the four towns we are assigned to preach in.
This time, it was to distribute the special Kingdom News #38 campaign tracts to everyone in town.

Here are some photos and experiences from that day...

It's always a highlight to preach in this picturesque little town.

Cristina, who is here for a year, from the city of Potosi, preaches to everyone who passes by on the street. 
Tiziana, from Switzerland, and Joel, leaving a campaign tract with a man on the mountainside.
Joel, Rocio, and Jaime, taking a breather. We go and visit every house to leave the campaign tracts.
This is the highlight experience of the day:
When we arrived in the morning to Nuevo Mundo, there were very few people in their homes. Which was unusual... We thought maybe most people were out in the campos. But as it turns out, we heard news that a man recently passed away in town. So the majority of the people in Nuevo Mundo were congregated at the house of the family of the recently deceased man. We took this opportunity to hand everyone at the house the timely information in the campaign tract! We truly got to see the Kingdom News #38 tracts in action that day. Jaime and I even got to go inside of the house and leave the tracts with the family members and speak briefly.

Of course, when you go to Nuevo Mundo, you're guaranteed to find more animals than people.
We managed to catch a ride back to Serrano in the back of a pickup. Much better option than wait for the bus that comes from Santa Cruz in the night.